Press release THE “GLOBAL BUSINESS” THAT THE HAGUE CONFERENCE IS TRYING TO LEGALISE: THE EXPLOITATION OF WOMEN AND THE BUYING AND SELLING OF NEWBORNS Berta O. García @Omnia_Somnia Co-Chair of the International Coalition for the Abolition of Surrogate Motherhood (ICASM) The Hague Conference on Private International Law has been working for more […]
280 Women’s Rights Organisations, 3300 signatories from 56 countries are calling for a ban on trade with surrogacy motherhood
Nov 25, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the women’s movement call for a global ban on trade with women as surrogate mothers. The background of the Call is an upcoming International Convention by the Hague Conference on Private Law (HCCH) to regulate international surrogacy arrangements. Conventions of the […]
The changing surrogacy market in Japan – Yoshie Yanagihara
Reconstructing feminist perspectives of women’s bodies using a globalized view: The changing surrogacy market in Japan Yoshie Yanagihara Link to PDF ABSTRACT This paper aims to evoke an alternative viewpoint on surrogacy, moving beyond popular Western feminist beliefs on the practice, by introducing the history and current context of East Asian surrogacy. To elaborate a […]
Surrogacy in India: Bioethics, Human Rights and Agency – Dr. Sheela Saravanan
Surrogacy in India: Bioethics, Human Rights and Agency Dr. Sheela Saravanan Full article available in PDF here Abstract At the juncture when India has banned commercial, it was an appropriate time to examine what is the situation of commercial surrogacy and its transition to altruism in India. This was a follow-up study, from the previous […]
New York State legalizes commercial surrogacy
New York State adopted its 2020-2021 budget in early April, along with a series of non-fiscal reforms. These include the legalization of commercial gestational “surrogacy” – the practice whereby a woman is paid to carry and deliver a child that is not derived from her oocytes, in order to return it to the people who […]
For a LGBTI Pride 2019 without opression
This is a call from Spanish organizations who are opposed to the use of surrogacy This press release has been first published on From Stop Vientres de Alquiler, RECAV State Network Against the Surrogacy and NO somos vasijas, on the occasion of the International LGBTI Pride Day 2019, we believe it is necessary to launch this […]
SURROGACY : For an Abolitionnist Alternative
Intervention in the name of the International Coalition for the Abolition of Surrogacy Motherhood, coalition composed of 26 feminist and women rights associations, from 8 countries – at the meeting organized by the International Social Service, The Hague, 8th of December 2018. From a women rights perspective, surrogacy needs to be considered from […]
PRESS RELEASE / NOTA DE PRENSA / COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE English: Hundreds of women’s human rights organizations from 18 countries call upon a global ban on womb rental in unprecendented international campaign Monday 24th September, 2018. Hundreds of women’s human rights organizations from 18 countries have released an international statement to request a global ban […]
Surrogacy in India, a globalized bazaar built on women’s exploitation – Interview with Sheela Saravanan
What led you to raise your voice against surrogacy ? In the beginning I did not know what was going on with surrogacy. I knew that some women in India were getting pregnant and giving babies to people mainly coming from abroad. At one point there was a discussion on American Tourism in the university, but […]