Fact sheet – Medical Reproductive technologies: Is Surrogacy a part of MPA?

Medical reproductive techniques, collectively referred to as MPA (Medically Assisted Procreation), encompass the manipulation of eggs and/or sperm to facilitate pregnancy[1]. These techniques can address specific challenges in achieving conception without necessarily addressing the underlying causes of infertility. Notable MPA methods include artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, which are available to individuals and couples […]

Fact sheet: Surrogacy and Consent

When giving in is not consent This factsheet delves into the concept of consent and is essential to remind us of the reality surrounding practices and the role of surrogates, who are the most deeply involved in surrogacy. The consent argument is employed by neoliberal and pro-surrogacy advocates to justify women’s freedom to engage in […]

Fact Sheet: Surrogacy and Prostitution

Surrogacy and prostitution are two distinct and complex issues with significant differences. They do share some common features, which are explored below: mechanisms, players, beneficiaries, issues, legislative approaches, etc.… Surrogacy must be seen a violence against women who are exploited for their reproductive capacity. Reproductive violence  also includes the commercialisation of oocytes, forced sterilisation, forced […]

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