At the Hague 13 11 2023. ICASM and Allies Challenged HCCH’s Global Surrogacy Project

Speeches by the organisations taking part in the rally in The Hague on 13 11 2023 Access to the speeches here (PDF document) : speeches for HCCH Access the video recording of the rally   Critiques of the HCCH’s potential role in legitimizing and regulating surrogacy.  Organizations speeches from: ICASM – CIAMS International Coalition […]

Some points against regulation/harmonisation of surrogacy by the Hague Conference on Private International Law

by Stoppt Leihmutterschaft – Austria – Felix  Surrogacy and international law Opinion on the mandate and negotiations of the Expert and Working Group of the General Affairs and Policy Council of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) Background: From 2016-2022, an expert group of the HCCH met to examine the possibility of further […]

Seven points against surrogacy

In the context of the CSW67 on “Surrogacy a violation of human rights, a violence against women“, a conference led by CIAMS, we sent these seven points to members of UN agencies and institutions that represent and promote respect for human rights and are concerned by surrogacy. These points denounce the forms of violence and […]

Joint statement on surrogacy

Women’s and human rights organisations call on the European Commission and Parliament to include the crime of reproductive exploitation of women in all their legislative initiatives as violence against women and as trafficking in human beings. Access to the PDF document  Surrogacy joint Statement final Forward By reproductive exploitation, we refer to: prohibition of abortion, […]

Criticism of the Hague Conference approach: Convention “For the Recognition of Legal Parentage Established as a Result of an International Surrogacy Contract”

Despite the human rights violations that surrogacy entails, the decision to persist for more than a decade in drafting an international instrument to regulate the practice is worrying. We condemn the decision to continue down this path instead of genuinely fighting for the rights of children and women who pay a high price for this […]


The Hague Conference on private international law has been working on the issue of surrogacy since 2001. Although aware of the harms of surrogacy, which she describes as a globalized market, she perseveres in an approach that, in the long term, will socially legitimize its practice, reducing in the eyes of public opinion women to […]

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