Considered by some as a medical breakthrough and interpreted as an assisted reproduction technique, this view hides a social practice that must be assessed in terms of human rights. It is a mistake to consider it as a medical technique to assist reproduction. Surrogacy is a social and commercial practice based on a medical […]
Fact sheet: Surrogacy Worldwide
This fact sheet provides an overview of the different forms and laws of surrogacy around the world. We’ll look briefly at how surrogacy is treated in different countries, as well as its definitions, concepts, regulations, scope and origins. l/The different types of surrogacies Definition: Surrogacy is defined as the social practice of recruiting, with or […]
Fact sheet: surrogacy and children
[Update 15 11 2023] Very little research has been done on the effects of surrogacy on the children born from it. That’s why we explored the websites and blogs that tell the stories of children born through surrogacy. An analysis of these testimonies led us to identify several common themes. A sense of rejection To […]
Developments in the ECHR positions on parentage and surrogacy
Cases condemned by the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) Case of Paradiso and Campanelli Italy [1](2017): In 2015, the European Court of Human Rights had ruled against the Italian law with a decision of January 27, 2015. In this case, the Italian court had condemned an Italian couple who had used surrogacy in Russia […]
Fact sheet – Medical Reproductive technologies: Is Surrogacy a part of MPA?
Medical reproductive techniques, collectively referred to as MPA (Medically Assisted Procreation), encompass the manipulation of eggs and/or sperm to facilitate pregnancy[1]. These techniques can address specific challenges in achieving conception without necessarily addressing the underlying causes of infertility. Notable MPA methods include artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, which are available to individuals and couples […]
Fact sheet: Surrogacy and Consent
When giving in is not consent This factsheet delves into the concept of consent and is essential to remind us of the reality surrounding practices and the role of surrogates, who are the most deeply involved in surrogacy. The consent argument is employed by neoliberal and pro-surrogacy advocates to justify women’s freedom to engage in […]
Fact sheet : Surrogacy in figures
Definition : Surrogate motherhood, is defined as the practice of recruiting a woman, either for payment or not, to give birth to one or more children, whether conceived with her own oocytes or not, with the aim of handing them over at birth to one or more people who wish to be identified as the […]
Fact Sheet: Surrogacy and Prostitution
Updated 03/11/2024 Surrogacy and prostitution share a number of common features, which are examined below: mechanisms, actors, beneficiaries, ethical issues, problems, legislative approaches, etc. Exploitation It is crucial to recognize the exploitation inherent in a woman being drawn to give birth to a child, not for her own parental project but for third party, just […]
PRESS RELEAS. Invalidation of the historic “Roe v. Wade” decision
On Friday 24 June, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade by a 5-4 vote, ruling that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to abortion. To implement this decision, each state must pass its own abortion legislation. Abortion rights organisations worked out that between 22 and 26 of the 50 states […]
Surrogacy, a reproductive violence on women (In person event)
20-24 March 2023 III FORO MUNDIAL DE DERECHOS HUMANOS BUENOS AIRES Argentina Day, time and venue to be confirmed later Surrogacy, a way to bypass any protective legislation for women The ban on surrogacy is under attack in Europe, but in Asia total openness to reproductive tourism is gradually being abandoned in favor […]