Strength in Numbers: Petition Success Against Hague Conference Appreciation goes out to the 8200 individuals (500 organizations) who signed the petitions opposing the Hague Conference’s initiatives regarding “parentage in the context of surrogacy.” The most recent petition garnered an additional 1,400 signatures on top of the previous ones. Together, these petitions represent a collective effort […]
ICASM Newsletter – October 2023
SIGN THE CALL TO STOP ALL ATTEMPTS TO ORGANIZE SURROGACY Together with more than 60 feminist and human rights organisations, ICASM has launched an urgent petition calling on the Hague Conference to reject proposed regulations that would expand commercial surrogacy globally. As an organization, ICASM sees surrogacy as a violation of human rights and feminist principles. […]
ICASM Newsletter – June 2023
UN. CONTACT WITH THE RAPPORTEUR ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Following the event organised by ICAMS in New York in March 2023 (CSW67), we sent a statement to all UN Rapporteurs and Agencies involved in one way or another with the issue of surrogacy, highlighting the extent to which surrogacy undermines women’s rights. In response, the […]
ICASM – Newsletter – April 2023
NEW DEBATE IN SPAIN ON SURROGACY AND ABORTION The reform of the Law on Sexual Health and Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy recognizes surrogacy as a form of violence against women and a serious violation of our reproductive rights, reiterating the prohibition of this practice in Spain and also prohibiting any advertising by agencies that profit […]
Some points against regulation/harmonisation of surrogacy by the Hague Conference on Private International Law
by Stoppt Leihmutterschaft – Austria – Felix Surrogacy and international law Opinion on the mandate and negotiations of the Expert and Working Group of the General Affairs and Policy Council of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) Background: From 2016-2022, an expert group of the HCCH met to examine the possibility of further […]
Seven points against surrogacy
In the context of the CSW67 on “Surrogacy a violation of human rights, a violence against women“, a conference led by CIAMS, we sent these seven points to members of UN agencies and institutions that represent and promote respect for human rights and are concerned by surrogacy. These points denounce the forms of violence and […]
Cases of human trafficking related to surrogacy in European Union
On the occasion of the revision of the Directive Against Trafficking in Human Beings by the rapporteurs RODRÍGUEZ PALOP Eugenia and Björk Malin, we spoke to RODRÍGUEZ PALOP Eugenia’s parliamentary assistant. Our aim is to include surrogacy in this revision as a form of exploitation and as part of European human trafficking. She asked us […]
European amendment to recognise surrogacy as a form of trafficking
As part of the revision of Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings at European level, we are calling for surrogacy to be included and recognised as a form of exploitation (sexual and reproductive) to be taken into account in trafficking in human beings. This change would make it possible to recognise […]
Call on CEDAW to recognise surrogacy as a violence against women
As part of our contacts with members of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), we sent this concept note. After outlining the sexual and economic exploitation of women and the violence perpetrated by the surrogacy industry, the concept note calls for an international policy aimed at abolishing surrogacy because of […]
Migrant women and reproductive exploitation[1] in the surrogacy industry. Joint investigation by ENoMW & ICASM
Research, carried out in 2021-2022 by ICASM and ENoMW on the use of women as “surrogate mothers”, oocyte donors or forced pregnancies in cross-border practices. (Study also available in PDF ENG Final Migration and surrogacy) Migrant women and reproductive exploitation[1] in the surrogacy industry Introduction The International Coalition for the Abolition of Surrogacy […]