Surrogacy and prostitution are two distinct and complex issues with significant differences. They do share some common features, which are explored below: mechanisms, players, beneficiaries, issues, legislative approaches, etc.… Surrogacy must be seen a violence against women who are exploited for their reproductive capacity. Reproductive violence also includes the commercialisation of oocytes, forced sterilisation, forced […]
Migrant women and reproductive exploitation[1] in the surrogacy industry. Joint investigation by ENoMW & ICASM
Research, carried out in 2021-2022 by ICASM and ENoMW on the use of women as “surrogate mothers”, oocyte donors or forced pregnancies in cross-border practices. (Study also available in PDF ENG Final Migration and surrogacy) Migrant women and reproductive exploitation[1] in the surrogacy industry Introduction The International Coalition for the Abolition of Surrogacy […]