From 1985 to 1990. The emergence of New Reproductive Technologies (NRTs) sparked concerns and alarm among French feminist researchers.Simultaneously, associations dedicated to organizing surrogacy in France were established. These associations were subsequently banned (1988 and 1989), while case law (1991) and legislation (1994) reaffirmed France’s fundamental principles of the non-availability and non-patrimoniality of the […]
The evidence is clear: surrogacy is nothing but the sale of children and reproductive exploitation of women
PRESS RELEASE ICASM Paris, September 7, 2021 On 4 and 5 September 2021, the DESIR D’ENFANT trade fair was held in Paris: ICASM, supported by its organizations members, was there to oppose this practice, on the theme of the dystopia by Margaret Atwood : the handmaid’s tale. On display and in the workshops it […]